Write A Book: The Authors Journey

It ends with a book, but starts with a plan…
They say every good book starts with the simplest ‘spark’ of an idea. They are right. But there is massive difference between being successful at ‘authoring a book’ and simply ‘writing a manuscript’. The Authors Journey from TBWR puts you on a pathway to success from the very beginning. If you’ve already taken steps along the journey, no problem! As long as you join us on the pathway at some point, we’ll guide you towards becoming a successful author. The TBWR team has decades of experience in authoring books for ourselves, and then getting them successfully published with all of the fanfare you’d expect.
Every journey starts with a first step, your first step is here, and now.

Content Polishing & Project Planning
The TWBR team have produced a standard process for getting a book manuscript written, with all of the fundamental errors, common mistakes and not so common mistakes ironed out before getting anywhere near the editing phase. The finesse can be found in the planning, and in how you as a writer are encouraged and coached during your writing phase. If you don’t have a plan, we’ll help you get it done!
Writing Partnership
Writing isn’t easy, despite how some people make it look. That’s why you have the expert TWBR writing coach Mandy Ward available to help you get it right. This isn’t a creative writing school, it’s everything you need to know about the ‘business’ of writing, and how to become an author successfully.
Your Writing Partnership sessions will take place twice a month, with each session lasting ONE HOUR via video call. Our expectation is that you’ll probably need this kind of support for around six months, but this service is wholly flexible around your needs.
2 x 1hr Video Call Sessions Per Month

Once you have completed writing a book, it’s time to let a professional cast their eye over it. Your editor will be checking the manuscript for errors, inconsistencies, and functional problems. With a professional and experienced view, they’ll refine your work, and ensure the viability of your book.
TBWR does not TYPESET or PROOFREAD manuscripts that we have not edited.
A book isn’t just a collection of pages, on a digital or paper manuscript. To write a book and turn it into art, it must be properly typeset – with attention paid to layout, font, illustration and picture usage, and of course the technical structure of the text. Good typesetter services are invaluable for your book.

Proof Reading
A book isn’t just a collection of pages, on a digital or paper manuscript. To write a book and turn it into art, it must be properly typeset – with attention paid to layout, font, illustration and picture usage, and of course the technical structure of the text. Qualified, experienced proofreader services are invaluable for your book.
Pre-Launch Planning
When it comes to getting your book out in the wide world to be read, you face your biggest challenge. The world is knee-deep in new books, and various other things that compete for your readers’ attention. So how do you give your book the best chance of being purchased and read? A solid launch plan is how! Working with us, we’ll provide you with the help to make your launch successful.

Partner Services
There are many things that an author can benefit from that we do not provide ‘in-house’. That’s why we have collated a list of the best of them for you – so that you can work with partners that you can trust to get it right for you. We have vetted them all, and they fully understand how we work.